Welcome to Munch Monsters! All of our products are durable, stylish, and affordable, bringing an element of convenience to the lovely madness of motherhood. We hope you enjoy using our products just as much as we enjoy making them. Happy munching!

Munch it up!
With babies, it seems like every day they hit a new milestone. They go from milk bottles to solid food, from crawling to walking, from babbling to uttering their first words. If we’re lucky, we get to experience these precious moments with our children first-hand—but not all stages have us feeling so lucky.

Our munch monsters
For me—and countless other mothers—the teething period proved the most challenging. This is when babies become notoriously fussy; their temperatures rise, their gums become irritated, and their patience thins. In their desperation, they become monstrous, munching on just about anything to try and soothe themselves.

Munch on.
As a Speech and Language specialist who has worked closely with children, I understand how crucial the teething period is for the development of early oral-motor skills. Naturally, my experience and education came into play with my own children. When my daughter was teething, I struggled to find a teether that eased her pain while simultaneously supporting her development. I tried out countless brands, textures, and materials, and as her first teeth began to emerge, so did the concept for Munch Monsters!